API Reference - Models - SupportVectorMachine

SupportVectorMachine is a supervised machine learning model that predicts values of -1 and 1 only.

Stored Model Parameters

Contains a matrix.

  • ModelParameters[I][J]: Value of matrix at row I and column J. The rows represent the features.



Create new model object. If any of the arguments are nil, default argument values for that argument will be used.

SupportVectorMachine.new(maximumNumberOfIterations: integer, cValue: number, kernelFunction: string, kernelParameters: table): ModelObject


  • maximumNumberOfIterations: How many times should the model needed to be trained.

  • learningRate: The speed at which the model learns. Recommended that the value is set between (0 to 1).

  • cValue: How strict should the model can classify the data correctly. Higher the cValue, the closer the data points to the decision boundary.

  • kernelFunction: The kernel function to be used to train the model. Available options are:

    • Linear

    • Polynomial

    • RadialBasisFunction

    • Sigmoid

    • Cosine

  • kernelParameters: A table containg the required parameters


  • ModelObject: The generated model object.



Set model’s parameters. When any of the arguments are nil, previous argument values for that argument will be used.

SupportVectorMachine:setParameters(maximumNumberOfIterations: integer, cValue: number, kernelFunction: string, kernelParameters: table)


  • maximumNumberOfIterations: How many times should the model needed to be trained.

  • learningRate: The speed at which the model learns. Recommended that the value is set between (0 to 1).

  • cValue: How strict should the model can classify the data correctly. Higher the cValue, the closer the data points to the decision boundary.

  • kernelFunction: The kernel function to be used to train the model. Available options are:

    • Linear

    • Polynomial

    • RadialBasisFunction

    • Sigmoid

    • Cosine

  • kernelParameters: A table containg the required parameters


Set how hard the margin should be.

SupportVectorMachine:setCValue(cValue: number)


  • cValue: The value of c to be used.


Train the model.

SupportVectorMachine:train(featureMatrix: Matrix, labelVector: Matrix): number[]


  • featureMatrix: Matrix containing all data.

  • labelVector: A (n x 1) matrix containing values related to featureMatrix.


  • costArray: An array containing cost values.


Predict the values for given data.

SupportVectorMachine:predict(featureMatrix: Matrix, returnOriginalOutput): Matrix -OR- Matrix


  • featureMatrix: Matrix containing all data.


  • predictedVector: A vector that is predicted by the model.


  • originalPredictedVector: A vector that contains the original predicted values.

Inherited From


  • Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines by Zhiyuan Chen from University Of Nottingham Malaysia (2022/2023). It is the university that Aqwam got his Bachelor’s degree in.