Beta Version 1.15.0


  • Added experience replay capabilities to SARSA neural network and Q-learning neural network models.

  • Added OneVsAll under “Others” to convert any binary classification models into multi class ones.

  • Added ExpectedStateActionRewardStateActionNeuralNetwork model.


  • Fixed KMedoids and KMeans calculations.

  • Fixed bugs related to Affinity Propagation model.


  • Changed the ModelChecking to ModelChecker. Also changed a lot of its functionalities.

  • Changed the GradientDescentModes to GradientDescentModifier. Also changed a lot of its functionalities.

  • Some of the classification models now returns predictedLabelVector as opposed to single value.

  • Made the codes for clustering models more readable.

  • Changed the outputs for a number of classification and clustering algorithms.

  • Removed SupportVectorMachineOneVsAll and LogisticRegressionOneVsAll.

  • Changed the way how DBSCAN and AffinityPropagation store its model parameters.