API Design

If you wish to create your own models and optimizers from our library, we already have set a standard for our API design.


  • All our models have train() and predict() functions. They will be called when using some parts in “Others” section of library.

  • train() function takes in featureMatrix / tableOfTokenSequenceArray (mandatory for all models) and labelVector / tableOfTokenSequenceArray (not available for some models) in order.

  • predict() function takes in featureMatrix or featureVector or tableOfTokenSequenceArray.

  • The code for the models are object-oriented.


  • All our optimizers have calculate() and reset() functions. They will be called inside called inside our models.

  • calculate() function takes in learningRate (number) and costFunctionDerivatives (matrix) in order. It returns the adjusted costFunctionDerivatives.

  • reset() does not take in any parameters.

  • The code for the optimizers are object-oriented.

  • You can get more optimizer formulas here.


  • All our regularization objects have calculateRegularization() and calculateRegularizationDerivatives() functions. They will be called inside called inside our models.

  • Both takes in modelParameters (matrix) and numberOfData (integer) in order.

  • calculateRegularization() returns regularization values for ModelParameters (matrix).

  • calculateRegularizationDerivatives() returns regularization values for costFunctionDerivatives (matrix).

  • The code for the regularization objects are object-oriented.