API Reference - Others - GradientDescentModifier

Modifies the model’s batch gradient descent to other modes.


  • When using “Stochastic” mode, make sure you set the model’s max number of iterations to 1.

  • batchSize is only applicable for “Minibatch” mode.



Creates a new gradient descent modifier object. If any of the arguments are not given, default argument values for that argument will be used.

GradientDescentModifier.new(Model: ModelObject, gradientDescentType: string, batchSize: integer, showOutput: boolean): GradientDescentModifierObject


  • Model: The model object to modify its gradient descent capabilities.

  • gradientDescentType: The type of gradient descent to be used when train() function is called. Available modes are “Batch”, “MiniBatch” and “Stochastic”.

  • batchSize: The batch size to split the featureMatirx and labelVector into multiple parts.

  • showOutput: Set whether or not to show the final cost for each epoch (MiniBatch) or data (Stochastic).


  • GradientDescentModifierObject: A gradient descent modifier object that uses the model’s train() and predict() functions so that it behaves like a regular model.



Set modifier’s parameters. When any of the arguments are not given, previous argument values for that argument will be used.

GradientDescentModifier:setParameters(Model: ModelObject, gradientDescentType: string, batchSize: integer, showOutput: boolean)


  • Model: The model object to modify its gradient descent capabilities.

  • gradientDescentType: The type of gradient descent to be used when train() function is called. Available modes are “Batch”, “MiniBatch” and “Stochastic”.

  • batchSize: The batch size to split the featureMatirx and labelVector into multiple parts.

  • showOutput: Set whether or not to show the final cost for each epoch (MiniBatch) or data (Stochastic).


Trains the machine/deep learning model under specific gradient descent mode.

GradientDescentModifier:train(...): number[]


  • …: The parameters are the same to the original model’s train() function.


  • costArray: An array containing cost values.


Predict the values for given data.

GradientDescentModifier:predict(...): ...


…: The parameters are the same to the original model’s predict() function.


…: The outputs are the same to the original model’s predict() function.


Reward or punish model based on the current state of the environment.

ActorCritic:reinforce(currentFeatureVector: Matrix, rewardValue: number, returnOriginalOutput: boolean): integer, number -OR- Matrix


  • currentFeatureVector: Matrix containing data from the current state.

  • rewardValue: The reward value added/subtracted from the current state (recommended value between -1 and 1, but can be larger than these values).

  • returnOriginalOutput: Set whether or not to return predicted vector instead of value with highest probability.