API Reference - Models
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Model | Alternate Names | Use Cases |
DeepQLearning | Deep Q Network | Self-Learning Fighting AIs, Self-Learning Parkouring AIs, Self-Driving Cars |
DeepDoubleQLearningV1 | Double Deep Q Network (2010) | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepDoubleQLearningV2 | Double Deep Q Network (2015) | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepClippedDoubleQLearning | Clipped Double Deep Q Network | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepStateActionRewardStateAction | Deep SARSA | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepDoubleStateActionRewardStateActionV1 | Double Deep SARSA | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepDoubleStateActionRewardStateActionV2 | Double Deep SARSA | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepExpectedStateActionRewardStateAction | Deep Expected SARSA | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepDoubleExpectedStateActionRewardStateActionV1 | Double Deep Expected SARSA | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepDoubleExpectedStateActionRewardStateActionV2 | Double Deep Expected SARSA | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
MonteCarloControl | None | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
OffPolicyMonteCarloControl | None | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
VanillaPolicyGradient | VPG | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
REINFORCE | None | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
ActorCritic | AC | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
AdvantageActorCritic | A2C | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
SoftActorCritic | SAC | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
ProximalPolicyOptimization | PPO | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
ProximalPolicyOptimizationClip | PPO-Clip | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
DeepDeterministicPolicyGradient | DDPG | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
TwinDelayedDeepDeterministicPolicyGradient | TD3 | Same As Deep Q-Learning |
Model | Alternate Names | Use Cases |
Diffusion | Building And Image Generation | |
GenerativeAdversarialNetwork | GAN | Building And Image Generation |
ConditionalGenerativeAdversarialNetwork | CGAN | Same As GAN, But Can Assign Classes |
WassersteinGenerativeAdversarialNetwork | WGAN | Same As GAN, But More Stable |
ConditionalWassersteinGenerativeAdversarialNetwork | CWGAN | Combination Of Both CGAN And WGAN |
Model | Alternate Names | Use Cases |
RandomNetworkDistillation | RND | Intrinsic Reward Generation |