API Reference - Models

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Model Alternate Names Use Cases
DeepQLearning Deep Q Network Self-Learning Fighting AIs, Self-Learning Parkouring AIs, Self-Driving Cars
DeepDoubleQLearningV1 Double Deep Q Network (2010) Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepDoubleQLearningV2 Double Deep Q Network (2015) Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepClippedDoubleQLearning Clipped Double Deep Q Network Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepStateActionRewardStateAction Deep SARSA Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepDoubleStateActionRewardStateActionV1 Double Deep SARSA Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepDoubleStateActionRewardStateActionV2 Double Deep SARSA Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepExpectedStateActionRewardStateAction Deep Expected SARSA Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepDoubleExpectedStateActionRewardStateActionV1 Double Deep Expected SARSA Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepDoubleExpectedStateActionRewardStateActionV2 Double Deep Expected SARSA Same As Deep Q-Learning
MonteCarloControl None Same As Deep Q-Learning
OffPolicyMonteCarloControl None Same As Deep Q-Learning
VanillaPolicyGradient VPG Same As Deep Q-Learning
REINFORCE None Same As Deep Q-Learning
ActorCritic AC Same As Deep Q-Learning
AdvantageActorCritic A2C Same As Deep Q-Learning
SoftActorCritic SAC Same As Deep Q-Learning
ProximalPolicyOptimization PPO Same As Deep Q-Learning
ProximalPolicyOptimizationClip PPO-Clip Same As Deep Q-Learning
DeepDeterministicPolicyGradient DDPG Same As Deep Q-Learning
TwinDelayedDeepDeterministicPolicyGradient TD3 Same As Deep Q-Learning


Model Alternate Names Use Cases
Diffusion   Building And Image Generation
GenerativeAdversarialNetwork GAN Building And Image Generation
ConditionalGenerativeAdversarialNetwork CGAN Same As GAN, But Can Assign Classes
WassersteinGenerativeAdversarialNetwork WGAN Same As GAN, But More Stable
ConditionalWassersteinGenerativeAdversarialNetwork CWGAN Combination Of Both CGAN And WGAN


Model Alternate Names Use Cases
RandomNetworkDistillation RND Intrinsic Reward Generation



