API Reference - EncodingBlocks - OneHotEncoding



Creates a new encoding block object. If there are no parameters given for that particular argument, then that argument will use default value.

OneHotEncoding.new({finalDimensionSize: number, oneHotEncodingMode: string, indexDictionary: {any}}): EncodingBlockObject


  • finalDimensionSize: The final dimension size for the transformed tensor. It is equivalent to the number of labels that are available in the data.

  • oneHotEncodingMode: The encoding mode to be used by the one hot encoding block. Available options are:

    • Index (Default)

    • Key

  • indexDictionary: The index dictionary to be used to convert keys stored in the tensor to one hot encoding tensor. Must be given if using the “Key” one hot encoding mode.


  • EncodingBlock: The generated encoding block object.



OneHotEncoding:setParameters({finalDimensionSize: number, oneHotEncodingMode: string, indexDictionary: {}})


  • finalDimensionSize: The final dimension size for the transformed tensor. It is equivalent to the number of labels that are available in the data.

  • oneHotEncodingMode: The encoding mode to be used by the one hot encoding block. Available options are:

    • Index

    • Key

  • indexDictionary: The index dictionary to be used to convert keys stored in the tensor to one hot encoding tensor. Must be given if using the “Key” one hot encoding mode.

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